2022-09-26 Carpentry Instructor Team Meeting Notes


Sep 26, 2022


@Stephen Davison @Kristin Briney @Tom Morrell @Tommy Keswick @Donna Wrublewski

 Discussion topics





October instruction for Library staff

August command line: small attendance, but good engagement

OpenRefine should be part of the standard suite

Fall instruction for campus

Shell (2 days) (Kristin, Peter) – 1 st week Nov, 10am

Git (2 days) (Tommy, others) - 2nd week Nov, 10am

Python (4 days) (Tom, others) - 3rd week of Nov: Mon-Thurs 11/14, 10am

R, TBD. Need to find more instructors/researchers who use R
Postpone until Winter. Assess demand.

New meeting time

Fridays, perhaps?

GitHub setup testing

We should write up and test out better git instructions for syncing with GitHub and applications (GitHub desktop, RStudio, VS Code). Would be useful to test with one of the loaner laptops that can be easily wipes and re-imaged.

@Peter Sachs Collopy @Kristin Briney @Donna Wrublewski send out invitations for the OpenRefine staff workshops
@Stephen Davison ask Shane to add OpenRefine to standard staff install
@Stephen Davison contact Rachel Tham re feedback, conflicts, attendance, etc.
@Kristin Briney @Peter Sachs Collopy @Tommy Keswick @Tom Morrell @Stephen Davison finalize times, dates, etc. for Fall classes