Call for new Caltech Carpentry Instructors

(composed by Donna Wrublewski)

Sent out February 14, 2019 for Spring/Summer 2019 training


You may have heard of The Carpentries (Data or Software Carpentry), and you may even have attended a workshop sponsored by the Caltech Library or another group on campus. If you like software (Python or R), data manipulation, and teaching, then have we got an offer for you 😊

The Caltech Library is a Member of The Carpentries organization, and can train up to 6 new Carpentry Instructors *free of charge* each year. We are looking to form a cohort this year, to be trained likely in April, May or June. The requirements for becoming a certified Instructor are:

  1. Attend a two-day intensive training workshop. This CANNOT be adjusted – it will be two full consecutive days, either 8am – 4pm or 9am – 5pm. The Caltech Library will host this workshop, and trainers will be either in-person or virtual via webcam. The current curriculum is available here:
  2. Complete the three tasks for the Instructor Checkout procedure within two months of completing the in-person training. This involves: (1) contributing to an existing Carpentry lesson; (2) participating in an online discussion group; (3) giving a short (5 minute) teaching presentation to a Carpentry staff member. More information on these tasks can be found here:
  3. Volunteer to be a helper at a Library-organized or co-sponsored Carpentry Workshop within 6 months of completing your Certification.

The Carpentries is a dynamic and growing organization, and an excellent vehicle for career development, particularly if you are interested in instruction and teaching. There are numerous opportunities to lead discussions, participate in organizational development, and – of course – teach! And you can even be listed in the Instructor Directory for added street cred:

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me ( We’d like to have a cohort together by *March 15*, so please also email me by that time if you’d like to sign up for training.